Sandhill Cranes Morning Blind Tour

Dusty Trails 101 Halligan Dr., North Platte, NE, United States

Join Dusty Trails for their viewing blind, located on the beautiful North Platte River. It is the perfect place from which to witness the Sandhill Cranes as they roost in the shallow waters of the river in the early morning hours, awaiting the arrival of the sun. Pick up location is the North Platte Visitor […]


Sandhill Cranes Evening Blind Tour

Dusty Trails 101 Halligan Dr., North Platte, NE, United States

The sight and sound of the vast number of birds provides a thrill for the senses as you eagerly anticipate the landing of the first birds. Join Dusty Trails for a viewing blind, located on the beautiful North Platte River, is the perfect place from which to witness the majestic Sandhill Cranes as they come […]
